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The only thing that neutralizes the dark is the light and the truth. You must understand this basic principle. There is no fear in the truth. As an Energy Worker it is my only purpose to speak the truth, whether or not someone is willing to accept it. The truth is the truth and it is THE ONLY thing that will set you free. Walk in the light and speak your truth... or don't.


I originally created Tranquility Natural Healing as an escape from this upside down world we are navigating.  I woke up and had this deep inner knowing that I was sent here to help humanity evolve. Little did I know where this would all lead too.

First I was guided to heal myself and in doing so it gave me the foundation to help others. We all are presented with a choice.  Evolve or Repeat.  It took many painful years of learning the lessons the hard way. Then I chose to Evolve. Creator gave us free will. Victim or Warrior.  I chose to embrace the Warrior in me. In doing so it enabled me to love my battle scares as they tell my story and were all in preparation for what we are dealing with today.  I still shake my head some days as its hard to believe what we are dealing with.

We are in the biggest fight for the survival of humanity that has ever been. We are the last organic humans. This is a spiritual war and they want your soul. This is nothing more than a harvesting of souls.

The pain, misery and suffering they create is loosh energy.  It is what feeds the beast system. The dark controllers who hijacked this planet eons ago have been feeding upon humanity ever since using their satanic dark blood majik and sorcery casting spells and weaving it into technology to imprison the blind.

There are those of us who have eyes that see through their trickery and sorcery. 


We are here to help humanity evolve.

We are Christ Consciousness. We are the embodiment of Christ. Living in the Creators image. They want your Light / Soul.

Rudolf Steiner predicted in the 1860’s that there would be a modern medicine that would detach mans soul to make him a workable animal. We are in those times.  The Hopi prophecies also speak of these times.  Earth is a prison planet, soul trap, loosh farm, recycling bin for souls.

  • Clouds are poison

  • Water is poison

  • Food is poison

  • Vaccines are poison

  • Weather is a weapon

  • 5G is a weapon

  • TV is a weapon


Everything is 180 from the truth! My work has evolved as my knowledge of this upside-down clown world exposes its self.


  • mRNA and vaccines

  • Microwave Radiation Sickness - 5G, WiFi, EMF

  • Soul Trap

  • Ahriman and parasitic entities

  • CERN

  • Chemtrails & Weather modification


We are in the middle of a spiritual war and they want your soul.


The veils are thinning and realms are bleeding through into our reality.

CERN punched a hole through the eather in 2016 and this has allowed demons cast out back into this realm and the Arimahn arrived. The demon of chaos. Rudolf Steiner also predicted this. I have found many are very spiritually sick as they are feeding upon your soul.

We are multi dimensional beings living on a multitude of earths. Déjà vu is when you run into another version of yourself. We are jumping timeline so fast that our avatars are not getting a chance to catch up. Your systems need Recalibration to reset.

We have all collected a lifetime of trauma that gets trapped in the body and manifests into all strange and not so wonderful symptoms...symptoms that cannot be explained by alopathic medicine. That doesn't mean they can't be removed. They can and they will be removed once the root cause is found and dealt with.

Over the years I was guided to work with natural medicine modalities and I have learned to harness energy, frequency and vibration and my true talent is blending modalities to create unique and powerful treatments to combat the negative assault humanity faces on a daily basis.


You need to balance the physical, mental and spiritual to deal with the onslaught of chaos they are bombarding us with. I provide relief from this toxic upside-down clown world and teach you to navigate with ease, flow and grace.

  • The Energy Sessions - ​a holistic way to optimal health

  • Spiritual Guidance - for Empaths, Starseeds , HSP's

  • Trauma Release - releasing energetic blockages

  • Energy Fusion - energy flow alignment

  • Theta Touch - gentle sensory reset

  • Quantum Healing - removing dark things

  • Re-calibration - balancing of the mind, body, spirit



For those of you who are new to the alternative way of thinking


There are many new & exciting things you will learn about on your journey as you awaken


There are many wonderful & joyous things you will discovery about yourself as you grow spiritually

I am all about...








Please be careful

Where there is light

The darkness is never far behind 

Be mindful of the company you keep

Not everyone is who they portray to be


I am an Empath

I am here to help humanity ascend


With Love

Roberta Swan


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Copyright 2024

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