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removing dark things

My philosophy is that if people can be physically ill or mentally ill, then logic dictates they can be spiritually ill.  This is where our current medical (or sick system) fails us.  We are more than a collection of body parts.  Recent research shows that plants share the same DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) receptors as human beings.  It is aptly named "the spirit molecule" and currently has modern science stumped.  It is proof that we, and the plants and trees around us are one.  Destroy them and we destroy ourselves.


  • Do you feel like your walking through sludge?

  • Bad luck is following you around?

  • You keep having accidents?

  • Always dropping things?

  • Hearing voices?

  • Horrible dreams?

  • Seeing things out of the corner of your eye?

  • Creepy feeling someone is watching you?

Most people who find me have an entourage of boogies attached to them from a lifetime(s) of trying to navigate this upside down clown world, hooks, hexs, curses are very real, archons, witches, demons, entities are very real.


Their trickery is on every level.  Everything is 180 from the truth. We live in a realm hijacked by dark satanic forces and they feed upon your misery and pain creating loosh energy.  Earth is a prison planet, soul trap, loosh farm, recycling bin. We are in dark times. We are at war. They want your soul.


There are many types and different ways they infect souls.

  • some are like fleas jumping from one host to anther, just taking a sip of your energy.

  • some are like ticks that latch on, feeding on your energy slowly draining you.

  • some are like parasitic worms, infesting you, making you very, very sick.

  • some are deadly and will torture and kill you.



For instance:

EMS workers are some of the most infected, boogified toxic souls on this planet. They deal with demons in human form all day long.

An EMS responder is the first on the scene to a hanging. The soul who had been tortured for weeks, months, years, lifetimes by the jackals (archons / entities) whispering in his/her ear, creating chaos in his/her life, the bad luck chuck following him/her around. Finally till they can take no more, they decide to exit this realm by a rope.


The jackals are in a feeding frenzy with their fresh kill. The garage door opens and in walks the EMS first responders. The jackals turn their attention to their new victim, the weakest link, who is the brightest soul.


TRANSFERANCE... A new soul to torture and feed upon their misery and loosh.


The EMS first responder gets called to a car accident and the patient is unconscious, an unprotected vessel.

TRANSFERANCE... After months of painful recovery the accident victims cognitive starts to return and they just don’t feel right. They now have rage, anger, unpredictable behaviors and do not feel like themselves. It is a body invasion by an archon / entity.

Anyone who works in your AURIC FIELD is most likely boogifed and does not even realize. Many in these fields start off with good intensions but truly have no idea what they are dealing with nor the skills. After a few years the sparkly practioner is a very tired, drained, boogified individual and has no idea why they now feel this way.

TRANSFERANCE… Then you come for a session and they feed upon your vital life force energy as you are now their source of energetic food. You leave destroyed! Soo tired ,drained, feeling malaised.

Are some of the most toxic people walking this realm. They are tapping into the other side and we are at war! Not many can truly control the doors that they open nor the things lurking behind those doors. The archonic realm is full of trickery, they know what you want to see / hear and will provide exactly that.
Meanwhile you just got jumped and the cycle of TRANSFERANCE begins!

When you sit in a circle you are contractually agreeing to everything in the circle.

  • The person opposite may have a 3000 year old demonic witch attached to their soul.

  • The person next to you may have been cursed 200 years ago.

  • The person to the other side of you may be a demon in human form.

You then have the person walking around inside the circle shaking his/her stick / wand / drum and the TRANSFERANCE begins – jumping on and off in a feeding frenzy till they find a new host to feed upon.



Bon fire = bond fire = alchemy and sears it to your soul.



This realm is bound by blood majik harnessing the moons energy. You are being fed upon. There are so many dark majik traps most are completely oblivious too.



This sears your soul to this realm.

In the time of natives they would do plant medicine ceremonies to welcome in blood thirsty archons / entities to take body possession for strength and chaos.


Ghosts are trapped souls, hooked by a dark thing (demon, witch, archon, etc). This can happen when they are alive and continue to be trapped in the other side forever more. Souls can get hooked on the other side as the trickery continues.



DIGITAL HIVE MIND – mRNA You now are sitting in circle / working with / living with a soul less digitized human. They will suck your soul into the digital hive mind. They will feed upon your light as they have none. You feel exhausted, drained, detached from your body.



There are many types and different ways they infect souls.

  • some are like fleas jumping from one host to anther, just taking a sip of your energy.

  • some are like ticks that latch on, feeding on your energy slowly draining you.

  • some are like parasitic worms, infesting you, making you very, very sick.

  • some are deadly and will torture and kill you.



In my experience there are different levels of clearing souls.

There are few who truly have the ability to clear and destroy dark things plaguing humanity.


To do a true clearing – entering the other side (spirit world) it takes the life force of a 100 men.


When you go in and out the other side the frequency is at very different vibration

and it is extremely taxing on the adrenal system.

  • $250

When one tunes into the human being plagued, the dark things scatter (archons (energetic fleas)).

  • $500

When one tunes into you for answers that the medical system can not provide. Have you been from Dr to Dr to Dr and one can give you answers answers as to what is wrong with you and why you are so sick.

  • $500

Whilst working on an infected client I absorb - TRANSFERANCE, then I have to be cleared.

  • $500

When one has to go into the other side to remove a hook, hex, curse to release a trapped soul.

  • $1000

When one has to go into the other side to deal with a dark thing (demon) to release and remove a hook, hex, curse from the trapped soul.

  • $1000

When one has to enter the other side and do battle with a dark thing (demon).

  • $1000 x

 When one has to do multiple clearings in families as often all are infected.

  • price to be determined

When one has to clear spaces.


There are many who claim to do this work, and will gladly take your money with a smile on their face while they are waving their sage sticks around and chanting in your house. If you have been to many seeking answers and never finding them or feeling better, now you know why.

We are not those people. We work for the Light. We help humanity evolve.


When an organic human dies, your soul has to travel through many layers to go home to Creator.  The trickery and fuckery is even worse on the other side where there are many dark things waiting to trap and feed upon you, even worse recycle you back here again for eternity into the digital hive mind. It is THE SOUL TRAP, please educate yourself on this, it is the only thing that truly matters anymore, which can not happen as we are the last organic humans and need to exit this realm and go home to Creator.

There are those who can woosh you through the layers and get you to safety. We have helped souls with this transition.

  • $500

​​All services must be paid in full to proceed with the work that you require.

Please E transfer :

I have to be very clear and transparent before we begin for my own personal health and wellness.

I am ultra-sensitive to, and get sick from EMF exposure / shedding from individuals who took the experimental mRNA injectables otherwise known as "COVID-19 vaccines."

I DO NOT CONSENT to any experimental mRNA injectables, ingestables, inhalables or nano technologies.


I am mRNA free.

All my clientele are mRNA free.


If you are in alignment with this, I very much look forward to connecting with you.



​I’m not sure how to share on the site, so I will write it here and give you permission to share: Grief is something this stronger than you could ever imagine, it can bring anger and compassion at the same time. The question is WHY?

While talking with Roberta, I just wanted to know that my love one was ok and not stuck somewhere. This is when Roberta informed me of Quantum Healing, and what Michael could provide me.

During my loved ones battle, it always seemed like the sicknesses and healing took way longer than anyone else. So to hear that there was a Demon attached to her in our world, with its claws deeply embedded was a scare to me.

The comfort I received from Michael to be told that there was a pink light where she WAS, but was taken by the light or heavens above to spend her eternal life was relief. I can’t explain what Michael had to experience by fighting the demons, in order to do this for me. But I will forever be grateful for this information, as it brought me peace and I know now that when it comes my time to go I will see her again.


There was a reason why we met Roberta and entered in each others lives, I’m truly blessed to have you and Michael as a friend and support!!!    



​TESTIMONIAL: Roberta is an incredible healer. ( magic hands). I came to her with a heaviness of darkness I could not get rid of. It was an intense 2 hr session but with her skill set the darkness left my body and I started to feel like me again. I go monthly to keep my body clear of darkness and enjoy the therapeutic massage. I highly recommend Roberta.    

-Nicole S


I was told 4 years ago that I had a demonic spirit attached to me.  I thought through research I'd be able to deal with this one my own.  I soon realized through physical pain, emotional roller coaster and suicidal thoughts that this was beyond my control.  I contacted two spiritual healers both of whom failed to help me.  Thankfully Michael reached out to help and was successful in terminating the spirit.  I am once again in control of my life and can't thank Michael enough.  There's no question in my mind the he saved my life as I literally couldn't take any more.  I am Forever grateful.    



What do I say about the man who saved my family and changed our lives so drastically?  The strange part was I didn't even realize anything was wrong.  I once described my house like "not feeling like a home; cozy, warm, or inviting." It always seemed dark even with all the blinds up and all the lights on.   I even went so far as to take all the blinds and curtains off the windows as well as buy the highest strength bulbs.


My son has always been scared to sleep in his room and has been experiencing night terrors almost on a daily basis.  He never played in his room and told us it was too scary and there were scary things in it.  Even I would have an uneasy feeling and when walking away from his room down the hall I would feel like someone was following me watching me.  I often would walk quickly or continually look over my shoulder as I was leaving the upstairs area.. I simply chalked it to me just imagining things or that I had been watching too many scary movies.


My husband and I were very stressed and even were thinking about separating.  We constantly fought and were very mean to each other.  The whole family was unhappy.  I was introduced to Michael through a mutual acquaintance who thought he could help.  I was told there was something dark attached to my son which was originally attached to our house.  I didn't even have to meet with Michael since he was able to tune into my into my son, my family, and our house.  I was told he cleared each person in the house, the house itself, and got rid of the negative energies that were attacking my son and family.

Once Michael was finished, the house and everyone in it changed.  Literally overnight!

The house seeded to let the sunlight in.  It didn't seem so dark and dull.  The "heaviness" was gone.  My husband and I began to fall back in love with each other.  We lost the grumpiness and anger towards each other.  my son seemed less stress like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.  He even asked where all the scary things went.  The children began to play in my son's room, which they never did before.  My son began sleeping in his room soundly.  he doesn't have restless sleeps and hasn't had a night terror since.

Our house feels like a home and our family is truly happy.  Now that things have changed, I can't believe how uncomfortable, stressed, and unhappy our family was before.  I feel like I owe Michael not only my life, but the lives of my entire family.  He changed our life and I can't imagine what would have come of us if he didn't.    




Thank you so much for everything you've done for Max, Sarah and myself.  We didn't understand that contacting psychics was a bad idea. Just because I'm old doesn't make me wise!    


This family had a very sick child and had been from Dr to Dr to Dr, from psychic to psychic to psychic and no one could give them any answers as to what was wrong with this very sick child who was deteriorating by the day.  Michael tuned into the child and knew instantly what was wrong. Often childhood vaccines damage the child's ability to digest protein, undigested protein turns into ammonia in the blood and basically pickles the child's brain and organs making them more and more unresponsive and losing weight = Autism. Within days of taking the correct natural supplements to neutralize the ammonia in his blood, the child became responsive and started walking and communicating again.


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